
Thank you for have sparing your time to visit our blog.

Globalresourcestrader Corporation is Indonesia’s pioneer in marine-culture on high technic and quality marine fish is bred, hatched, reared and supplied to local and international markets. We are only delivered good and high quality marine products to our value customers.

Our Vision;

We focused on the fundamentals of our business, and manage with the future technology and technique in mind; we focused on marine-culture and agriculture trends. We make sure our company able balance short and long term in our strategy plan on sustainability and constantly market review.

We invest in promising business and maintaining high position business.

Our Mission;

Our mission is to meet and/or offer all our value customers excellent communicate information, quality, services and technic to reach the goal.


Research & Development


Advance and leading. This makes us different apart from other marine fish companies in the Asia region. While competitors deal only with certain aspects of aquaculture and/or marine culture, we distinguish it by getting involved with the entire process of sustainable aquaculture and/or marine culture. From brood stocks management, R&D, breeding, hatching, rearing, production of feed chain, QC and marketing to providing training and consultancy services related to the industry, this unified approach allows us to establish a high premium on its products over its peers.

We developing high value products and services have led it to commit to comprehensive R&D and risk management programs and to employ trained scientists to carry out its objectives. We invest in over million rupiah in R&D has enabled our company to gain unique advantages of biotechnology in the field of aquaculture and/or marine culture, such as achieving more control on the fish breeding, hatchery and rearing operations.

The investments in R&D and human capital make us well-placed to lead the industry and to play a vital role in the Asia region.

Certification of Our Company

We Have Been Certified by Indonesia Accreditation Committee And Indonesia Fish Quarantine Dept.

All Our Fishes Has Passed Virology Laboratory Test And Accordance To Rules And Regulation Set By Ministry Of Marine Affairs And Fisheries.

Company Capacity for the Project in Terms of Qualifications and Certifications

Our mother company can cater for small to big projects. Project can be catered accordance to the needs and requirements of our clienteles. Our mother company "Globalresourcestrader Corporation" has had farm and fisheries license with certifications from Indonesian quarantine department. Fishes and other products which are sent out to our clienteles have passed Indonesian government virology lab test and quarantine department.

Buying Healthy Fish

An advice from us;

Most of the fish you will start out with shipper and/or seller. That means that they were living in a particular habitat before you got them home. The fight against disease begins from the moment you go to get your fist fish. Here are some things that you should keep in mind while selecting and buying fish;

~ Physical characteristics of good health include bright colors, good finage etc. Do NOT go for fish that look dull or pale. Before you buy a particular variety, it is important to know what that fish looks like in normal conditions. Dark or patchy coloration may be an indicator of stress.

~ Look for any signs of disease. There should be no boils, ulcers or peeling scales.

~ Look for any visible parasites clinging to your fish's body. Parasites can appear as small white crystals, black tiny nodules etc.

~ Individual parts of the fish need to be closely examined. The eyes should not be bulging and or clouded. The fins, especially the dorsal fins, should be erect and spread well. The gills should be a nice pink. Fins should not appear ragged or torn, and they should definitely not be clamped close to the body of the fish. Flat and smooth scales, well-rounded stomachs and a well-proportioned body are all indications of a strong and healthy fish.

~ Fish waste should be dark and/or red in color (subject to feed).

~ Behavior of fish should also be observed. Fish should not gasp for air. Breathing should be normal. Gill movements that seem to be very quick may indicate stress.

~ Look for positive interactions. You do not want fish that seem to be hiding or creeping about. Also, do not choose fish that seems to bully or getting bullied. Healthy fish will swim horizontally throughout the aquarium.

~ Choose fish that eats well. Feeding traits are very good indicators of fish health.

These indicators are true for most fish and all beginner fish. You will however notice that there are exceptions from these rules as you grow more experienced.

If you know what to look for, you will be surprised at how much information you will be able to collect by just observing the fish you are going to buy. Never buy a fish that looks stressed in the place. Any hopes that you will nurse it back to good health are misplaced.

Once you have bought the fish, there are some more things that you need to keep in mind. Introduce the fish slowly into your own place. Allow the fish some time to get used to the new water that is his home now. If you can, it is a good idea to use an antibiotic dip before you introduce the fish into the new place.

"We 100% are selling cultural fish"

Written by Mr. Ng Steven

Our Products

Below few pictures are some of our products. Please click on the picture for better view.

Business Name: Fertilized Eggs

Business Name: Fertilized Eggs
Type: Eggs, Species: Grouper

Business Name: Fertilized Eggs

Business Name: Fertilized Eggs
Type: Eggs, Species: Grouper

Business Name: Giant Grouper

Business Name:  Giant Grouper
Scientific Name: Epinephelus Lanceolatus, Size Available: Larvae

Business Name: Coral Trout

Business Name: Coral Trout
Scientific Name: Plectropomus Leopardus.

Business Name: Coral Trout

Business Name: Coral Trout
Scientific Name: Plectropomus Leopardus

Business Name: Mouse Grouper

Business Name:  Mouse Grouper
Type: Juvenile, Size Available: 4.0 cm and above

Business Name: Mouse Grouper

Business Name:  Mouse Grouper
Size: 5.0 cm and above

Business Name: Tiger Grouper

Business Name:  Tiger Grouper
Scientific Name: Epinephelus Fuscoguttatus, Size Available: 2.7 cm and above

Business Name: Tiger Grouper

Business Name: Tiger Grouper
Scientific Name: Epinephelus Fuscoguttatus, Size Available: 2.7 cm and above

Business Name: Giant x Tiger Grouper

Business Name:  Giant x Tiger Grouper
Type: Juvenile, Size Available: 2.7 cm and Above

Business Name: Giant x Tiger Grouper

Business Name: Giant x Tiger Grouper
Size: 4 cm & Above.

Business Name: Camouflage x Giant Grouper

Business Name:  Camouflage x Giant Grouper
Scientific Name: NIL, Size Available: 3.0 cm and Above

Business Name: Camouflage x Giant Grouper

Business Name:  Camouflage x Giant Grouper
Scientific Name: NIL, Size Available: 3.0 cm and Above

Business Name: Camouflage x Giant Grouper

Business Name:  Camouflage x Giant Grouper
Scientific Name: NIL, Size Available: 3.0 cm and Above

Business Name: Milk Fish

Business Name:  Milk Fish
Scientific Name: Chanos Chanos, Size Available: 1.0 cm and Above

Business Name: Milk Fish

Business Name:  Milk Fish
Scientific Name: Chanos Chanos, Size Available: 3.0 cm and Above

Available Species;


(1) Business Name: Coral Trout.

Scientific Name: Plectropomus Leopardus.

(2) Business Name: Green Grouper.

Scientific Name: Epinephelus Malabaricus.

(3) Business Name: Mouse Grouper.

Scientific Name: Cromileptes Altivelis.

(4) Business Name: Tiger Grouper.

Scientific Name: Epinephelus Fuscoguttatus.

Crossbreed and/or Hybrid;

(1) Business Name: Giant x Tiger Grouper.

(Epinephelus Lanceolatus x Epinephelus Fuscoguttatus).

(2) Business Name: Giant x Green Grouper.

(Epinephelus Lanceolatus x Epinephelus Malabaricus).

(3) Business Name: Tiger x Green Grouper.

(Epinephelus Fuscoguttatus x Epinephelus Malabaricus).

(4) Business Name: Camouflage x Tiger Grouper.

(Epinephelus polyphekadion x Epinephelus Fuscoguttatus).

(5) Business Name: Sand x Tiger Grouper.

Non Grouper Species;

(1) Business Name: Barramundi.

Scientific Name: Lates Calcariffer.

(2) Business Name: Cobia.

Scientific Name: Rachycentron Canadus.

(3) Business Name: Lane Snapper.

Scientific Name: Lutjanus synagris

(4) Business Name: Milk Fish.

Scientific Name: Chanos Chanos.

(5) Business Name: Red Snapper.

Scientific Name: Lutjanus Malabaricus.

Research & Development Species


(1) Business Name: Coral Trout crossbreed Tiger Grouper.

(2) Business Name: Giant crossbreed Mouse Grouper.

(3) Business Name: Giant crossbreed Giant Tiger Grouper.

Business Name: Sea Cucumber

Business Name: Sea Cucumber
Not available at this moment

Business Name: Fresh Water Lobster

Business Name: Fresh Water Lobster

Business Name: Soft Shell Crab

Business Name: Soft Shell Crab

Business Name: Soft Shell Crab

Business Name: Soft Shell Crab

Our Minimum Order

(1) Our minimum order value is USD 3,500.00 (Value of goods only, have not include cargo and packing).

(2) Products are priced according to the IDR (Indonesian Rupiah).

(3) Prices of products are not bound and will vary according to the market movement .Prices will valid for 5 days since the quotation is being made.

(4) The ordering process begins immediately following 50% of the funds for goods being received by us. This will also include Letter of credit orders (FCL). A full outline & explanation regarding deposits for LoC orders can be obtained on request (Other products than live fish).


For your convenience we do have our network person and/or company to receive the payment. Payment can be made by Transferring to our beneficiary account in Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Maldives, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.




1. Our minimum order is in value of USD 3,500 (Value of goods only, have not include cargo and packing).

2. Products are priced in IDR (Indonesian Rupiah).

3. Quoted Price is only good for 5 (Five) days since quotation is made.


Our standard practice;

(1) Our QS officer will send pre-alert to our client about the fishes.

(2) Our admin officer will send pre-alert for client’s cargo agent to make sure they have received the shipment pre-alert data and/or details.

(3) Our officer will final alert to both parties about the shipment.

Contact Us

Main Address: Jl. Lingkungan, Desa Terjun Labuhan, Deli Serdang Sumatra Utara Indonesia.

Branch Address: JL. Lovina-Buleleng Singaraja, Bali Indonesia.

Contact Number: +62 361 341 6623.

Mobile: +62 81927 111328.

Email: Inquiry@Globalresourcestradercorp.com

Web: www.Globalresourcestradercorp.com

Msn: Globalmarineproducts@Gmail.com

Gtalk: Available.

Extra Information of Farming

I written below article just for sharing of my past experience.

Written by, Mr. Ng Steven

Sea Cucumber Farming (Indonesia Language).

Budi daya teripang umumnya dilakukan di laut dapat juga di kolam atau tambak air.Oleh sebab itu , terdapat beberapa faktor penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam pembudidayaan teripang ini.Beberapa factor tersebut mencakup pemilihan lakasi , pembuatan sarana budi daya , pengadaan benih , hingga pembesaran teripang .

A.Pemilihan Lokasi .

Pemilihan lokasi merupakan langkah awal yang sangat menentukan keberhasilan budi daya.Selain itu, beberapa pertimbangan bioekologi , sosial ekonomi & ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku juga harus dipenuhi agar kemungkinan timbulnya beberapa hambatan/masalah di kemudian hari dapat diantisipasi sedini mungkin .

Umumnya, budi daya teripang dilakukan di perairan pantai pada kawasan pasang-surut.Hal ini disebabkan potensi lahan pantai masih cukup luas.Namun demikian , teripang juga mempunyai kemungkinan untuk dibudidayakan di kolam air laut ( tambak ) dengan syarat tertentu.

Secara umum , perairan pantai yang memiliki benih teripang alami cocok bila dijadikan sebagai tempat budi daya.Namun , tidak menutup kemungkinan suatu lokasi yang tidak memiliki benih alami juga cocok digunakan sebagai tempat budi daya.

Jenis teripang yang sudah banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia yaitu teripang putih ( holothuria scabra ). hal ini disebabkan harga teripang putih yang mahal , pertubuhanya cepat , lebih toleran terhadap perubahan lingkungan dan dapat dibudidayakan dengan padat penebaran tinggi. Oleh sebab itu , pertimbangan-pertimbangan dalam pemilihan lokasi ini diutamakan untuk jenis teripang putih , walaupun tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk diterapkan pada jenis-jenis teripang teripang lain. hal ini mengingat setiap jenis teripang mempunyai sifat biologi spesifik yang berbeda , tetapi secara umum habitatnya relatif sama. pertimbangan dalam pemilihan lokasi tersebut adalah sebagai berikut.

Lokasi budi daya

Lokasi budi daya harus terlindungi dari pengaruh arus , gelombang maupun angin yang besar.Arus , gelombang atau angin yang besar akan merusak sarana budi daya serta menyulitkan pengeloleen dudi daya.lokasi yang terlindung dari pengaruh seperti ini biasa ditemukan diperairan teluk , laguna atau perairan terbuka yang terlindung oleh gugusan pulau dan karang penghalang .

Kedalaman air .

Kedalaman air dilokasi budi daya sebaiknya antara 0.5 - 1 M dihitung pada waktu surut terendah.sementara pada saat pasang tertinggi , kedalaman perairan sebaiknya tidak lebih dari 2 M . hal ini untuk menghindarkan teripang dari kekeringan atau kenaikan suhu air yang menganggu kehidupannya.

Dasar perairan .

Dasar perairan sebaiknya landai , terdiri dari pasir dan pecahan-pecahan karang , berlumpur dan banyak ditumbuhi ilalang laut/lamun serta rumput laut. selain berfungsi sebagai pelindung , karang , ilalang , serta rumput laut juga berfungsi sebagai perangkap makanan untuk teripang .

Kondisi perairan .

Kondisi perairan harus jernih dan bebas pencemaran dengan nilai kecerahan 50-150 CM yang diukur dengan alat seperti piring berwarna putih dan hitam .

Kualitas air .

Lokasi budi daya yang dipilih sebaiknya mempunyai kisaran suhu air antara 24-30 C , kadar garam 28-32 ppt , Ph air 6.5 - 8.5 , oksigen terlarut 4-8 ppm dan mempunyai gerakan air yang cukup .

Ketersediaan benih .

Benih merupakan salah satu faktor produksi yang cukup penting. oleh sebab itu , untuk menjamin lelangsungan budidaya teripang , ketersediaan benih harus mencukupi , baik dari segi kualitas , kuantitas , maupun kontinuitas .

Kemudahan jangkauan .

Lokasi budi daya harus mudah dijangkau. selain itu , sarana produksi harus mudah diperoleh dan pemasaran harus dapat dilakukan dengan mudah dari tempat itu. pertimbangan lainnya , lokasi budi daya sebaiknya bukan merupakan pusat kegiatan nelayan , bukan daerah penangkapan ikan , bukan wilayah pelayaran dan bukan daerah pariwisata sehingga benturan kepentingan dapat dihindarkan .

Lokasi yang potensial untuk pengembangan budi daya teripang dinegara kita sebenarnya sangat luas.

Our marine culture consultation services

Fish farming project

Fish farming are provided according to the client’s needs, either as a package or on individual basis. Our services are listed below, in the order of their performance during the development of a fish farming project. GMC Corp, is a for-profit company that charges fees for its products and professional services. The cost is determined based on the agreed scope of work during the Feasibility Study and Business Plan stage, when defining the fish farming project.

Pre-decision Stage

Developing the aquaculture project concept

Upon contacting GMC Corp, our experts will discuss of marine culture farming possibilities in your country and region, based on the local conditions and your business goals. You will understand the main features of marine culture farming. GMC Corp will then assist in formulating a marine culture Farming Business Concept, which you can adopt for further investigation.

Site identification for the fish farm

GMC Corp provides site selection guidelines to assist the client in identifying potential sites for the marine culture farming the data is gathered using our Data Collection Manual. When you identify 2-3 suitable sites, with approved land and water conditions, our experts will visit the sites.

Site inspection visit

Our experts will travel to visit your country to inspect the potential site(s) for the marine culture farming project. Our experts will conduct thorough technical inspection regarding topography, soil, water source, water quality, etc., will instruct you as to additional tests required and will collect all necessary data to ensure correct selection of the best site for farming.

Construction Stage .

Environmental Impact Assessment of the marine culture project.

GMC Corp projects are designed and constructed as eco-friendly systems, complying with strict environmental regulations. Environmental Impact Assessment is prepared to ensure necessary official Permits and acceptance by international consumer organizations and health authorities of the importing countries.

Basic & detailed engineering of the marine culture farming

Professional engineering design and optimization of all production phases: spawning, nursery and grow out. Complete engineering of main installations and auxiliary systems, including: land preparation, earthworks, civil works, water supply and drainage systems, electrical systems, aeration systems, feeding systems.

Basic & detailed engineering of the Processing Plant

Professional engineering design and optimization of the Processing plant. GMC Corp engineers design: custom-made fish processing equipment for fish species; the Processing Plant building and its cooling systems, piping system, air-conditioning and electrical system; fish purging ponds; water treatment plant. GM Culture implements quality control procedures to ensure HACCP approval, as well as, compliance with quality & safety regulations of the target market countries.

Construction supervision / management

GMC Corp engineers supervise the marine culture project construction either by long-term presence on site or via periodic site-visits to oversee local contractors.

Equipment - Specifications and Procurement

GMC Corp provides operational specifications for the required marine culture farming equipment. In addition, GMC Corp facilitates equipment procurement by preparing technical bids and analyzing quotation proposals from suppliers.

High-performance brood-stock

GMC Corp provides genetically improved brood-stock which produce high-quality hybrids.

Operating Manual for the marine culture Farming

Custom-made “Manuals of Operation” for each project, detailing the step-by-step instructions for operating each production stage, e.g. hatchery, nursery, grow out ponds.

Operating manual for the Processing Plant

Custom-made document for each project, detailing step-by-step instructions for operating the fish processing plant, offal plant and waste treatment plant

Operation Stage

Long-term technical management

GMC Corp farm managers and experts are available for long-term on-site technical management.

Start-up & running-in of the marine culture farming

GMC Crop technicians are available for short or long-term on-site duty to start-up the fish farming project, make fine-tuning adjustments and train local staff.

Staff training

Training of your professional marine culture farming technical staff can be done on site, by GMC Corp qualified aquaculture technicians, or at home base, for periods of up to 12 months. Such training is conducted in large scale operating fish farms in Asia.


GMC Corp provides trouble-shooting services in the fields of fish nutrition, disease control, ponds ecology, water treatment, fish population management, fish production and quality control.


GMC Corp provides processing and packaging specifications and helps make contacts between project owners and seafood buyers.

Looking forward to hear from you .

We are glad to receive your comment & inquiry, Please tell us exactly name of the marine products you are interested in, we will reply to you as soon as possible, we do hope can have co-operation with you in the nearest time .


Management Team Member of Globalmarineculture Corporation.

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Sorry for the inconvenient cause, thank you.


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